my ideal girl
my ideal girl!
my ideal girl would have all the following qualities. Given how ideal people are nearly impossible to come buy, i shall make this a Wish List and nothing more.
my ideal girl would..
1. have lovely soulful eyes that speak louder than her boobs.
2. have nice legs.
3. believe in my pet sheep Bobby (and friends)
4. have a better sense of direction that I do
5. be gung ho and never lets anyone (including me) define who she is, what she can achieve, and who she wants to be in life
6. be capable of making me feeling stupid and have an opinion on things from politics, music, and has a strong sense of individualism
7. would not even know i was from a crappy band called Ronin, and wouldn't care either way.
8. must be kinky in bed
9. be more sociable than me
10. mummy me from time to time because i'm a mama's boy
11. be quirky and spontaneous
12. be both selfless and selfish on the right occasions
13. care for me conditionally, so that when i fuck up, she can put me back in place and let me know what an asshole i'm being
14. be unafraid to cry from time to time.
15. be honest
16. never allow me to call her 'my girl', because that's just fucking gay and derogatory to women
17. love her mum and dad
18. smile, and light up my life
given that those qualities are too numerous, i shall just settle for
See you 5 hours later :P