A World Without Heroes
I remember her so well. More than a year ago.
I'll always remember her. Loved her like I've loved no other. Still love her. Will always love her.
Do you people believe in soul mates? I do. And I know I've met mine.
We don't keep in touch. She has a new boyfriend. She's happier now. I'm happier now. We were so beautifully unhappy with each other, and in that sense it made the love perfectly pure.
You'll know when you met your soul mate when you have. Simple as that. It's that tingle at the base of your soul, that swelling of the heart. It's beyond true love.
In times of despair, even today, even till now, she would always message me automatically to ask how I'm doing. Always at the precise moment when I feel like giving up, she'll appear out of the blue, out of the sudden to show her face and to let me know she's still there. It's a profound moment of realization when that happens. It's like God letting you know you're never alone, in as clear a way he can possibly let you know without popping out of the heavens and going "Hey bro I'm here for u"
Always at that precise moment. I don't know how it happens, but it happens every single time.
She was suicidal. Chaotic. An untamed soul that wanted more in life but was afraid to ask for it. When she was suicidal, I'd catch the first bus and head from the East to West for her. I'd cradle her in my arms and always let her know that the world would get her down but it would never break her.
We broke up. And I'm still sure we hold each other in irreplacable spaces in our heart. No one else will ever fill that space. Yet I think we thrive as human beings apart from each other.
There is an almost serene certainty in this. To know, with every fibre of your being, that at the end of our lives, we will find ourselves together again. Not even as lovers, not even the closest friends. But is soulful entanglement. Not a word exchanged, not a kissed given, but still...there. With each other.
And so this goes out to everyone who reads this.
I know how sometimes sitting in your room alone, you feel like crying
How when everything falls to pieces, you feel like dying
Like giving up your possessions and your faith for the easy way out.
How the world misunderstands you and tries to break you
When you feel that way,
Know that I am always there for you
I might not know who you are, I might not be your friend
I might never be your lover, I might never count in your life
But whoever you are, reading this, know that I will always be here for you
As a human being in a world that threatens to kill us.
Fight on.
it's a tough world but life is good if you love it
omg, thats like exactly how i feel?
wOw, tHiS iS aN eXeLLeNt ToPiC tO hAvE.. iT's sOmEtHiNg vErY rEaL.. i'M pReTtY aShAmEd tO AdMiT tHaT i oNcE FeLL iNtO tHe cAtEgOrY oF PeOpLe wHo aRe sUiCiDaL.. i aLwAyS pUt oN tHiS tOuGh cOoKiE fRoNt tO eVeRyOnE, tHoUgH iN rEaLiTy, i cRuMbLe aT tHe sLiGhTeSt HiTcH iN LiFe.. bUt tHaNkS tO fRiEnDs wHo cArEd sO mUcH, i'M aLoT bEtTeR nOw..
fOr tHoSe wHo aRe sUiCiDaL, pLeAsE tAkE tHe TiMe tO rEaD tHe mEsSaGe i hAvE fOr yOu BeLoW..
1) TrYiNg tO eNd yOuR LiFe iS nOt tHe wAy tO gO.. rEmEmBeR, iN tHe eNd yOu wOn’T jUsT LeAvE sCaRs oN yOuR wRiSt bUt yOu WiLL LeAvE sCaRs oN aLL tHe PeOpLe wHo LoVe yOu sO mUcH!
2) tRy tO LoOk aT tHe bRiGhTeR tHiNgS iN LiFe iNsTeAd oF tHe sAd tHiNgS.. dOn'T LeT oNe bAd tHiNg rUiN yOuR LiFe.. sTaNd uP fOr YoUrSeLf..
3) wHeN yOu tHiNk oF sUiCiDe, tHiNk oF tHe oThErS yOu WiLL LeAvE BeHiNd & hOw sAd tHeY WiLL bE.. TaLk tO tHe pErSoN cLoSeSt tO yOu & TeLL tHeM aLL yOuR pRobLeMs.. aLwAyS kEeP iN MiNd tHaT PeOpLe rEaLLy cArE aBoUt yOu & tHeY wOuLd bE sO uPsEt iF yOu LeFt tHeM bY TaKiNg yOuR oWn LiFe.. tHeY wOuLdN't kNoW wHaT tO dO WiThOuT yOu.. sO, tHiNk aBoUt iT: wOuLd yOu rAtHeR tRy a sEcOnD TiMe & pUt tHe pAsT aSiDe oR LeT EvErYtHiNg gO bLaCk & LeT eVeRyOnE wHo cArEs aBoUt yOu gO cRaZy? aLwAyS rEmEmBeR tHaT GoD LoVeS yOu..
4) sUiCiDe iSn'T tHe wAy oUt.. yEaH, i kNoW yOu fEeL LiKe tHaT's tHe OnLy wAy oUt bUt tHiNk aBoUt wHo yOu WiLL hUrT.. eVeN wHeN yOu fEeL LiKe PeOpLe dOn'T LoVe yOu, tHeRe'S aLwAyS oNe oR tWo pErSoNs wHo rEaLLy dO LoVe yOu..
5) nO mAtTeR hOw hArD yOu tHiNk LiFe iS - kEeP MoViNg oN & rEmEmBeR tHeRe aRe bEtTeR TiMeS CoMiNg.. yOu mAy nOt tHiNk sO bUt tRuSt mE, dOn'T eNd yOuR LiFe oVeR AnYtHiNg nOt wOrTh TaLkiNg tO GoD aBoUt..
6) GoD gAvE yOu yOur LiFe & hE ShOuLd bE tHe OnLy oNe wHo tAkEs iT aWaY fRoM yOu.. tHeRe iS nO rEaSoN tHaT yOu ShOuLd fEeL tHe nEeD tO tAkE yOuR oWn LiFe, EsPeCiaLLy iF yOu aRe dOiNg iT fOr sOmEoNe oR sOmEtHiNg tHaT iSn'T wOrTh iT.. aLsO, yOu aRe sTrOnG & yOu mUsT mOvE oN.. wHeN iT's dArK & yOu WiSh tO eNd aLL oF yOuR sUfFeRiNg, rEmEmBeR LiFe WiLL gEt bEtTeR fOr yOu.. tHeSe aRe jUsT tEsTs tHaT LiFe GiVeS uS..
7) tHe AdViCe tHaT i wOuLd GiVe tO oThErS iS tO FoLLoW yOuR hEaRt, bUt nEvEr dO AnYtHiNg tHaT yOu aRe nOt sUrE oF.. iF yOu tHiNk tHaT yOu'Re dEpReSsEd, gO sEe a dOcToR bEfOrE tHiNgS gEt mOrE sEvErE & yOu cAn'T cOpE WiTh tHeM.. nEvEr tHiNk tHaT yOu'Re nOt wOrTh AnYtHiNg bEcAuSe eVeRyBoDy iS aS BeAuTiFuL aS eVeRyOnE eLsE.. dOn'T BeLiEvE wHaT PeOpLe sAy bEcAuSe eVeRyBoDy iS DiFfErEnT iN sOmE wAyS & eXaCtLy tHe sAmE iN sOmE wAyS.. eVeRyOnE hAs ThEiR fLaWs..
8) LiFe iS nOt wOrTh GiViNg aWaY fOr tHoSe sTuPiD pRobLeMs.. tRy FiNDiNg a SoLuTiOn tO tHeM oR jUsT gEt oVeR tHeM.. rEmEmBeR tHaT yOu aRe wOrTh sOmEtHiNg..
9) iF yOu hAvE PeOpLe aRoUnD yOu wHo aRe cLoSe tO yOu & wHo WiLL SiT tHeRe & LiStEn & tHeY'rE TrYiNg tO HeLp yOu - dOn'T tUrN aWaY fRoM tHeM.. iT mAy bE hArD.. i'Ve bEeN iN tHe SiTuaTiOn wHeRe yOu dOn'T wAnT tO LiStEn oR TaLk tO aNyOnE bUt yOu nEeD tO tRy, aT LeAsT.. yOu mAy tHiNk, "nO oNe cAn HeLp mE.." bUt yOu'D bE SuRpRiSeD.. iF tHeRe'S sOmEoNe tHeRe WiLLiNg tO HeLp yOu, tHeN TaLk tO tHeM.. aLL yOu nEeD iS a ShOuLdEr tO cRy oN & sOmEoNe tO LiStEn tO wHaT yOu hAvE tO sAy.. dOn'T tUrN yOuR bAcK oN yOuR fRiEnDs..
10) jUsT rEmEmBeR, iF yOu fEeL tHeRe'S tOo mUcH pAiN & tHaT tHeRe'S nOtHiNg tO gAiN.. tO tHe wOrLd yOu mAy bE oNe pErSoN bUt tO oNe pErSoN yOu MiGhT bE tHe wOrLd.. nOtHiNg'S wOrTh yOuR LaSt bReAtH..
11) sUiCiDe iS a pErMaNeNt SoLuTiOn foR a tEmPoRaRy PrObLeM.. jUsT hAvE tHaT iN MiNd nO mAtTeR hOw dEpReSsEd yOu aRe.. tHiNk aBoUt yOuR FaMiLy bEcAuSe tHeY'rE tHe OnLy PeOpLe wHo cArE, aLtHoUgH sOmE dOn'T sHoW iT.. jUsT tHiNk bEfOrE yOu aCt..
12) nEvEr sAy nEvEr.. tHeRe iS aLwAyS hOpE.. jUsT LoOk iN a MiRrOr oR LoOk tO yOuR FaMiLy & TeLL tHeM, "i nEeD HeLp.. i hAvE a PrObLeM.. i wAnT tO cHaNgE iT & bE a bEtTeR pErSoN.." tHe FiRsT sTeP tO gEtTiNg HeLp WiTh AnYtHiNg iS AdMiTTiNg yOu hAvE a PrObLeM.. aLsO, dOn'T bE aFrAiD tO LeT yOuR fEeLiNgS oUt..
13) sUiCiDe iS tHe cHeAtEr'S wAy oUt oF pAiN.. doN't dO iT.. iTs nOt wOrTh iT.. yOu mAy tHiNk tHaT nObOdY LoVeS yOu oR cArEs fOr yOu, bUt iF yOu wErE gOnE, aLoT oF PeOpLe wOuLd bE aFfEcTeD..
14) tO tHoSe wHo fEeL LiKe tHeRe iSn'T a mEaNiNg tO LiFe iS - dOn'T GiVe uP.. RiGhT nOw iT mAy sEeM LiKe nOtHiNg WiLL eVeR gEt bEtTeR bUt iT WiLL bEcAuSe TiMe hEaLs aLL pAiN.. dOn'T eVeR kEeP yOuR eMoTiOnS iNSiDe - iF yOu fEeL sOmEtHiNg, eXpReSs yOuR fEeLiNgS.. dOn'T eVeR tHiNk yOu'Re nOt wOrTh AnYtHiNg.. bEcAuSe yOu aRe.. GoD mAdE yOu fOr a rEaSoN & yOu'LL nEvEr kNoW wHaT yOuR pUrPoSe iN LiFe iS UnLeSs yOu LiVe LiFe..
15) sUiCiDe iS nOt a ReLeAsE.. iT's a wAy tO LoOsE yOuR sOuL & yOuR LiFe.. iF yOu cAn'T TaLk tO yOuR pArEnTs - TaLk tO sOmEoNe yOu fEeL vErY cLoSe tO.. yOu hAvE tO rEaLiSe tHaT GoD pUt yOu oN tHiS eArTh fOr a rEaSoN & hE wOuLd nOt GiVe yOu a PrObLeM iF yOu wErE nOt sTrOnG eNoUgH tO HaNdLe iT..
16) tHeRe iS mOrE tO LiFe oUt tHeRe iNsTeAd oF TrYiNg tO cOmMiT sUiCiDe.. LiFe iS a preCiOuS tHiNg & yOu OnLy LiVe iT oNcE.. i'Ve tRiEd tO KiLL MySeLf bEfOrE & iT rEaLLy iSn’T wOrTh iT.. yOu hAvE tOo mAnY PeOpLe wHo aCtUaLLy cArE aBoUt yOu & aLL yOu tHiNk iS tHaT tHeY hAtE yOu oR tHeY dOn’T cArE aBoUt yOu aT aLL.. bUt tHeY rEaLLy dO.. rEmEmBeR tHiS, iN oRdEr tO LiVe yOuR dReAmS - yOu mUsT FiRsT wAkE uP..
tHe OnLy wAy iS sUm EvErYtHiNg uP iS tO kNoW tHaT - LiFe iS tOuGh, wHeThEr wE wAnT iT tO bE oR nOt.. wE hAvE tO ViEw LiFe tHrOuGh HoPeFuL eyes.. tO sEe a HuRdLe aS a pOsSibLe StEpPiNg sToNe tO sOmEtHiNg gReAt & tO aPpReCiAtE tHe tHiNgS yOu hAvE.. SiNcE nOnE oF uS kNoWs hOw LoNg We'LL bE aRoUnD, iT's iMpOrTaNt nOt tO pUt oUr LiVeS oN HoLd.. bUt iT's EqUaLLy iMpOrTaNt nOt tO tHrOw oUr LiVeS aWaY.. hApPiNeSs iS BeCoMiNg a RaRiTy.. sPrEaD sOmE SuNsHiNe! tEdDy hUgS fRoM mE..
aFnY hAn c",)
dont despair.... hahas. don forgett anderson secc.... ((:
well, it happened to me..it was a good 3 years until it was all shattered. but still we are the best of friends cause we're classmates....till today, i still look back at the good thing that happen to my life.....thanks you for sharing your experience with us
sigh. your entry touched my heart. thanks for the encouragement.
-ur fellow victorian.
It took me a long time to get there. I used to always feel alienated myself. But after such a long period of time, you should end up asking yourself this "OK I've been feeling miserable for most of my life. Nothing's come from it. It doesn't make me feel any better. What could I possibly lose from trying the other approach, the opposite? I've nothing to lose"
And yes, always love Anderson Sec and the warm reception you guys gave us :)
I remember chatting with you about this topic, beautiful post. ;)
You're really inspirational!
esmerelda (:
A world without heroes but love is all around...Sometimes it seems, that wilting flowers and dying trees and what's there to believe in life anymore but believe life itself, flowers wilt, trees die,
but new flowers will bloom and new tress sprout out in no time...
how can you be here for me if you don't know my name?
how can u love me if you can't feel my shame?
how can u heal me if you dont know from where I came..
ok now I'm just being silly.. but really.. how can one person, you, be there for all these ppl...
Hey levan.. Haven seen you for such a long time! I've been really busy lately so ya. Very nice blog entry. =)
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